
Nocturnal elder scrolls
Nocturnal elder scrolls

Join the Thieves Guild to become a Nightingale. I did so well that you didn't even see me." Lockpicking: Novice to Master Lockpicking, Quick Hands, Golden Touch, Treasure Hunter, Locksmith, and Unbreakable. I know Backstab won't help, but you need to get it in order to get the perk called Deadly Aim. One Handed: All 5 ranks of Armsman, Fighting Stance, all 3 ranks of Bladesman, both ranks of Dual Flurry, get Critical Charge if you are planning on charging enemies if not, don't get it, get Savage Strike, Dual Savagery, and Paralyzing Strike. My suggestion is getting the Skeleton Key early, then once you get that perk in the skill tree, you return the Skeleton Key. You can get the Skeleton Key, use it and keep it if you want, but keep in mind that there is a perk in the Lockpicking skill tree where lockpicks never break. Using Aura Whisper to see your enemies, then sniping them with your Nightingale bow with Ebony and/or Daedric arrows. The armor is given to you when you become a Nightingale. Ebony or Daedric swords and arrows because both have a dark look to them to match the armor. You will use the Nightingale Bow and Blade because they are the 2 weapons given to you when you become a Nightingale. Secondary Weapons: Nightingale Blade with either an Ebony or Daedric sword. Primary Weapon: Nightingale Bow with Ebony and/or Daedric arrows. You will also use Illusion, but only using it for the invisibility spell. You sneak around using your bow for range, and your 2 swords for close combat. The playstyle for this build is basically a Rogue class. You are stripped of all of your gear and taken prisoner again, and sent to Helgen. You try to sneak past them, but it doesn't work. When you cross the border into Skyrim, you notice some soldiers on the road. Once you are outside, you take off for Skyrim. You sneak your way over the chest, grab all of your gear, and exit through the tunnel. It took about 5 minutes to open it, but you got it open anyways. I hope to see you soon." You close the note, and begin to lockpick the trap door. In Skyrim, you will find my shrine to become my Champion. Once you have your stuff, escape through the tunnel, and head for Skyrim. Once you unlock both, you will get your gear from the guard's chest near the entrance. You will use the lockpick that you have and use it to unlock the cell door and the trap door in your cell. If you want to become my champion, then I suggest you follow these instructions. As soon as I saw you went to prison, I sent my raven to give you this letter. I have watched your talent for some time now. I am honored that you got this note and are reading it. You open the note, and you begin to read it. You are utterly confused on why there is a raven in the jail, but you don't tread on it. You turn towards the sound, and see a a raven at the jail entrance. You grab the lockpick, but before you read the note, you hear a 'CAW' sound. Your food comes in, and you notice there is a lockpick on the plate with your cheese, and a note for you.

nocturnal elder scrolls nocturnal elder scrolls

As you are in your cell, you were thinking what you could of done better. You manage to get it, but immediately, the guard turns around, and places you under arrest. You get behind the nearest guard, and decide to steal their precious ring.

nocturnal elder scrolls

One day, as your doing your daily thieving run, you decide to pickpocket a guard. Whether you are in a bush, or behind or even on a barrel, you always managed to sneak up on the villagers and steal their gold. When it comes to dual weilding swords, you made a practice dummy out of spare parts you found, and practiced fighting that. You trained your breathing rate to be slower when you are using your bow so you can always make your shot. You got so good at it that you can hold your breath for 5 minutes straight to make sure your arrow flies straight towards your target. Outside of your village in the wild, you practiced archery.


You also increased your fighting skills do that if you were to get into combat, you at least knew how to defend yourself. You were always good at never getting caught. Your villagers knew they were being robbed, but they never suspected you. You always stole from everyone in your village. As a Wood Elf or Khajiit, you always loved stealing.

Nocturnal elder scrolls